Saturday, March 7, 2009

First blog bebeh.. and why I like English

well, this is my first blog i have ever written in my life.
back to the my little age, i like writing(rather than speaking of course). So now i have my own blogspot! (hurray!)

from standard 1, I never liked English, or never will be-first impression-. The first teacher who thought me English was Madam(her nickname of course). She was a big fat lady who always scolds everyone just if we did only a little mistake, sometimes without any reason at all! she always sits on students table when shes nabbing.. I always wondered-its just a matter of time that table will fell apart. Well, the thing I didnt like her because she will throw the book, even worst-tear it down if we had a single mistake on our homework.

Next, we had an Indian lady who just don't know how to stop BABLING or just SHUT UP!. same as Madam, she will go berserk if we either did not bring text book or made mistake. one day, she order us to draw what she'd draw. Well, im not good at drawing. so I left it empty or just write "lukis gamba whatsoever" because i know, my sis will help me(never), if she doesnt want to, just draw at home!(duh), when she checked my work, she got really angry with me and smack the table with her big book of craziness! I really shocked that i thought i was a goner. She 'asked' me to draw it on the spot and her stares are like devil's. The other kids went home and I, alone with the green eyed women sat there, at the class.

In standard 3, we got a skinny lady. Well.. she's not bad, but I dont like her insulting Bahasa and the lower classes' student. That time when theres a English what programme, she briefed at music room near the bengkel. She said that the word 'basikal' was stolen from 'bicycle' and the true word for 'basikal' is 'gerek' and said that word are annoying! The 'gerek' is a Kedah's dilect, and Im a Kedah-born child! how im not angry with her..

In standard 5, we got Sir Megat. Funny enough.. but he always absent and we did not learn English at all!

when Im in 6th grade.. theres a rumor that we got Teacher Azni for English.. well, everyone thought shes the fierce type... so Im afraid of course! but then one of my friend said 'Teacher Azni baik ar.. die baik je ngan aq".. when the first time she tought English, my heart is opened.. She was not like other teacher-definately not like other teacher- She was kind-hearted, and she just give us a paper as a homework.. she sharpen our skills with practical paper, she tells us her experience.. thats how she work! That time I said to my heart "Im just so lucky I had this kind of teacher, if not, I wouldnt like that subject at all".. She hopes that everyone gets A on English subject.. she dissapointed who got 4A's 1B's and the B part is English.. that time, I really worked hard 'till i got A for English subject!

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