Saturday, June 6, 2009

Of Bunga Telur which did not involve any Bally Shoes

The wedding has started and what attracts me most was the bouquet of bunga telur which has reminded me about the English Drama team...

crite nye camni

sblm pertandingan drama 2 bermula, Ckgu Seni ksayangan kami, pn rafidah yg tlh byk mmbntu dlm mnyiapkan props drama ktorg, plg ke kg utk mencari betik untuk dijadikan tmpt letak bunga telur.

lps da dpt betik dgn susah payahnye, baru je nk cucuk bnga telur 2, ttbe, ibu die dtg dan mengherdik

Skarang ni zaman sains dan teknologi, yang ko pegi pakai betik 2 lg apahal?
lps habis berceloteh, ibu die beri lah tmpt letak bunga telor itu...

ksian ckgu... ckgu yg x de sains dn teknologi/. huhuhu

KGT and Folio! Have you TOUCH it?

After all this nonsense, suddenly I remembered the unfinished Kajian Geografi Tempatan and the History Folio that are needed to be handed in right after the school break.

and on to my suprise. Im not the only one who did even touch it

Anyway, Bryan asked me to do some research about Singapore.. so, I'd better googling!

3-D or 2-D?

Before the school holidays officially started, our Science teacher asks us to enter the chart making competiton with an independent theme.

so, I decided to make a model about the Black Smokers-the underwater vent.

But what im confused of was, whether it'll going to be a 3d model or 2d. of course, there is a pros and cons of both of them...

If its 3d, maybe i'll get more impression marking from the panel of judges and I have the picture of what its going to be. Unfortunately, with this short time and I kinda not-so-rajin to do a 3d chart... so I think it'll going to be a 2d chart

If its 2d, maybe I still have enough time to do so, but.. maybe I'll get a lower impression marking from the judges...

Electricity is a must

There is a little bit of time before the Young Scientist Competition and our teacher asks us to focus on Chapter 7- Electricity. Since the chapter full of symbols and... circuit...etc and I isnt so good about it, I decided to let it go and ask my friend Bryan later!


Preparation for the wedding!

3rd June 09

We were asked by our aunt to sort out the goodies bag for who would come to the tomorrow's wedding function. The ratio of 1:2:1 (Snacks:jelly:Assorted candies) were given to give it scr adil.

But as usual, there is a special goodies bag for the sponsor who helped a lot and was given an extra purse plus a handkerchief.

The trio, that is, me, Afiq and his sis, Izzati also my mom were assigned on this task. but Afiq selfishly put a lot and lot of jellies on his packing as he thought he would get that specific packing-with a lot of jellies...

Scr x sdar, these goodies bag had flooded the whole living room which also functions as our bedroom. so, we decided to arrang it on the sewing table and make it a '5 storey building'